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Burrsville Infant Academy

Create a Joy in Learning For Every Child

Year 1

Please find below our curriculum map, this is so you can see what we are learning throughout the year.

Autumn term

We started our English learning with character descriptions. We described the character Paddington, from the book ‘Paddington: The Original Paddington Adventure’ which is written by our Author of the Term, Michael Bond. This linked to our ‘This is London’ topic. We then moved on to learning about factual sentences. We learnt facts about London and wrote these as a factual sentence. Did you know, that it took 7 years to build the London Eye? After that, we learnt about dairies.


We started the year with an exciting Sparkling Start, where we all made crowns and spoke about what we would do if we were King or Queen.


This term our Maths learning has been on place value and addition and subtraction. We learnt all about numbers to 10 using different resources to help us. We learnt all about the part-whole model and have started to practice our addition skills using different resources.